
The symbol of fire is used throughout the Bible. It is something that we cannot ignore or be indifferent about especially the importance of spiritual fire defining the state of our soul and the reward or judgement relating to it.   

We are in end times, and we need to understand with urgency prophecies relating to "fire" as we look forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fire is featured so significantly In the Book of Revelation.  In Rev 3:16, "So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." God is coming back for those who are on fire for Him. Those who are passionate and fervent in their faith will rule and reign in the Kingdom to come. What an inheritance!

Conversely, fire is also the judgement of God. In Revelation 8:5, "Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake."

Unbelievers who rejected our Lord Jesus's atonement will experience God's fiery judgment. This is a stern warning to all who hardened their hearts against the saving grace of our Lord Jesus. God's fire judgement for unrepentant sinners is mentioned again in Revelation 14:10 and culminating in the lake of fire judgment in Revelation 20:7–15.

Fire also symbolises the manifest presence of God as in the "burning bush" in Exodus 3:1-4, the "pillar of fire" in Exodus 13:21 and in 1 Kings 18:17-24, in the story of the challenge between the Prophet of God, Elijah, and the prophets of Baal. These fire theophanies authenticate the reality of God and they changed situations and lives for the purpose of God.

The Bible also records false fire theophany by the evil one to deceive earthlings by supernatural manifestation of cosmic activities to worship the dragon and the beast in Revelation 13:13. 

Hence, fire as a spiritual symbol is a dichotomy and it is controversial. Not a subject that many churches want to actively emphasise to stir their members to be on fire to do greater works. 

I know Rev Dr Paul KP Ang for more than 20 years. I have seen how the fire of God has transformed him from a man who was consumed with pursuing the riches of the world to one who became a God chaser. When he received the fire, he knew that he has to share and impart the fire of God. In his enthusiasm in ministering the fire in the early days of his ministry, some men of God have taken umbrage to his inexperience and clumsy way of ministering, but there were many who were touched powerfully by his ministry. When we focus on God and not man, we will receive the blessings of God through His ministry given to man.  

The gift of fire impartation of Rev Dr Paul KP Ang is authenticated many times over by the testimonies of those who received his ministry. I am privileged to be the organiser of seven “Fire Starter Schools” in Singapore and Thailand under the umbrella of Arsenal of Fire Global of which the founder is Rev Dr Paul KP Ang. The testimonies of the many students attest to this. Their lives and ministries experienced divine transformation after they received the fire of God.

The fire of God is the grace of God, you do not work for it, in faith, you received it with hunger and humility. This book will give you greater clarity of God’s fire and with it comes the desire to receive it. It will first draw you; then, cleanse you; and ignite and empower you with new strength and anointing. Breakthroughs will come quickly as you receive and minister with His awesome Fire. Happy reading and keep burning for God!

Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. Romans 12:11

Elder Joshua Tan KJ

Advisor, AOF Global Limited

Organising Chairman/Principal, AOF School of Fire Starter